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Stop Romanticizing Dogs


All I want for Christmas this year is for everyone (including myself!) to stop romanticizing dogs. Yes, that's right, dogs are not Disney characters. I think we've been weirdly conditioned by movies like "Lady and the Tramp" and "101 Dalmations" to feel that dogs are just like us: They want to live indoors and eat spaghetti, raise their babies among humans, walk through city parks, and enjoy watching TV by the fire as much as we do.

Dogs are actually still so closely related to wolves that they can interbreed with them. This, by some opinions, makes them the same species (see The First Domestication). Of course, there is something very special and very different about dogs that makes them able to live with us; and for the most part, they make great friends and companions. But not all dogs are the same, and they are not all satisfied by a walk in the park. Some dogs NEED a job. Some dogs would PREFER to live outdoors. Lots of dogs enjoy chasing and killing other animals, and this is a simple fact of life that we often overlook (or willfully ignore).

If you’ve ever watched a dog show, you know that dog breeds are grouped by function: herding, hound, non-sporting, sporting, terrier, toy, and working. Even the non-sporting dogs are breeds that would have been developed to hunt or work but are now bred for show or as a pet. Only certain toy breeds are truly designed to be a “pet” when defined as a domestic animal kept for companionship or pleasure. There are lots of toy breeds that are still terriers, pinschers, and bull dogs.

You see, way back when, most dogs only lived with us if they served a specific function. They were hunters, herders, and livestock guarders. They pulled carts and sleds. Many dogs still work in these roles, and also serve in the military, police forces, and are often utilized for search and rescue missions. Nowadays they can be service dogs and therapy dogs, operate as bed-bug detection, pest control, and so much more. Does your dog have a job? Have you thought about his original purpose? Only a select few dogs were designed to be lap dogs and couch potatoes, and even then, they still share most of their DNA with wolves.

Considering their origins, and also due to selective breeding for hunting, fighting, protection and other functions, it is no surprise that dogs can still be dangerous to other dogs and animals. But let's look at the potential harm to humans: There are an estimated 4.5 million dog bites each year in the U.S. alone! Dogs kill an average of 43 people per year in the U.S. and in 2023, a total of 98 people died from dog attacks. "The CDC dog attack statistics show a 180% increase in dog bite fatalities and attacks between 2018 and 2022." (source)

So please be careful this holiday season as we all mix and mingle. Your dog may be better off staying home, being in a crate, or possibly being boarded away from the hustle and bustle of family parties. Please do not expect your dog to socialize and get along with other dogs, children, and your extended family unless you know, for a fact, that they truly enjoy it. If you do a gut check, and your intuition tells you that there is a chance your dog is not 100% comfy doing parties, traveling to new places, or accepting new guests into your home, then you must carefully manage him, or choose to leave him out of the festivities.

If we want to truly honor the special relationship we have with dogs, then let’s be mindful of the reality that they are dogs, not humans. Dogs are animals that evolved from the wild, and even your most docile “fur baby” retains survival instincts that can come to light when put in stressful situations.





Dogs and Children Slideshow

Please also check out this fantastic website: The Family Dog

Some fun videos to share with children: How to Kiss Your Dog and Be a Tree

Photo Credit: Alin Luna on Unsplash

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