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Blog — Holistic Dog Training

Behavioral Issues Vs. Genetic Drives

Behavioral Issues Vs. Genetic Drives

Is my dog in a state of drive, or a state of fear?   Lately I've been wanting to help people understand that there is a difference between a dog who has behavioral issues and a dog who is simply acting out his genetics. Behavioral issues, in my mind, are interruptions in a dog's natural way of being which cause distress to the dog, his owner, and other dogs or animals. These issues are labeled as: reactivity, aggression, hyperactivity, self-harm, obsessive-compulsive patterns, depression, anxiety, etc. The dog is not feeling well, and his behavior is a problem for those around...

Your Dog Just Wants to be Acknowledged

Your Dog Just Wants to be Acknowledged

How your energy, intention, and emotional state affect your dog... Your dog just wants to be acknowledged. For who they are as a dog. For their individual strengths, weaknesses, fears, wants, likes/dislikes, and insecurities. Your dog wants to be treated with respect, wants to be trusted, wants to be able to trust you. Trust that you see them for who they are, and that you don't expect them to stuff their feelings and just be a robot who obeys commands. I started writing this post because I used to advise people to ignore their dog when they come home, until...

What is Dog Training?

What is Dog Training?

Dog "training" is not a 6 week class and then you are done "training" your dog. Dog "training" is not a quick fix for a behavioral problem. Dog "training" is not: How do I get my dog to be obedient to me and 100% listen to his commands no matter what? Dog training is a lifelong study in RELATIONSHIP. So what can I call myself? I am not a dog trainer. I am a student of dogs. I am a student of energy, life, and the natural order of the universe. I am on a quest to become the most...

Stop Asking Your Dog to Stay Calm, Start Asking for Energy!

Stop Asking Your Dog to Stay Calm, Start Asking for Energy!

Moving Well = Feeling Well Your dog only wants to know one thing: How much energy can I move with you? When your dog's prey or play drive is aroused, they need to MOVE. When your dog's fight or flight energy is activated, they need to MOVE. When your dog feels attracted to another dog, another person, or a novel situation or environment, you need to be the magnet for their energy. Asking your dog to sit for a cookie, to "look at me," or to lay down and maintain stillness does not satisfy the internal pull they feel to...

New Year, New Dog: February Challenge

New Year, New Dog: February Challenge

It's a new month, time for a new challenge! 1. Decide on a new behavior or new trick that you would like to teach your dog. 2. Practice it every day for 3-5 minutes. 3. Take a video on the first day. 4. Take a video on the last day. 5. Share your videos on social and tag us! To follow and tag: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube